
Author and journalist Celeste Headlee wrote her amazing book Do Nothing to answer one question:

Do we need work?

Rather than sharing my answer to that question, I’d like share the question it stirred up in me: 

Do I need art?

Yes, I need art but not because it completes me.

I need art because it reminds me to prioritize life beauties.

Art doesn’t reprimand idleness, it requires it.

Art is as much about doing as it is noticing.

Art can make you money, but it’s only a byproduct of the process.

Art is about expression, not efficiency.

Art connects us finite people to the infinite.

Art is an anti-body for a culture steeped in hustle.

You might survive a while without it, but you’ll be sick.

Jamal Robinson

Minimalist poet and artist.

The right type of goals.


Work and Play.